You’ve reached the Hiking Challenge event portal! This is where you and other CSOFTers will be able to upload achievements and see your team’s progress throughout the month.
Below, locate your team’s distance tracker and the upload portal for submissions. When you complete a hike, use the upload box to submit each of the following:
- Your name, team, and distance traveled in miles (0.62 x #km)
- Screenshot(s) of a GPS map-enabled fitness app (AllTrails, NikeRun, Strava, etc.) clearly showing the date,route, distance traveled, and elevation change.
- 1-2 photos from the trail.
You can upload as many hikes as you want, but they must meet the following criteria:
- The maximum distance that will be counted per hike is 10 miles. E.g., a 30-mile hike cannot be broken into three 10-mile submissions and uploaded; it will be counted as one 10-mile hike.
- You can submit only one hike for an individual trail or location; repeatedly doing the same route at different times in the month will not be counted.
- All hikes must be completed Between September 1stand October 31st (inclusive) and submitted with records confirming the date.
In addition, we have created some updated rules and guidelines for this year to help improve participation for more people while helping better define the event’s boundaries.
- We are adding a new multiplier to account for elevation gains by counting them as additional distance:
- 0-100 ft: +0.0 (1.0x, i.e. no additional multiplier)
- 101-200 ft: +0.1 (1.1x multiplier)
- 201-300 ft: +0.2 (1.2x multiplier)
As a quick reference, 1000 feet gained equals a 2.0 multiplier, 2000 feet equals a 3.0 multiplier, and so on.As an example, this 3.7 mile hike with 1200-1300 feet of elevation (2.2 multiplier) would be calculated: 3.7 miles x 2.2 elevation credit = 8.14 miles credited for uploading.
- At a separate email address we will be sharing, we are looking for people to also send in 5-second videos of their travels for a post-event video. Try to capture a few moving scenes while you go, but don’t upload these to the site with your hiking records.
- As well as winners at the end of the month, we will be counting the winning team each week throughout of the challenge. Don’t wait until the last minute to start helping your team advance.
- If your area or circumstances make accessing a hiking environment a challenge, we will welcome alternative ideas to the maximum extent possible.
- With the 10-mile maximum, we want to emphasize that this is not an athleticism challenge, but a team competition designed to encourage exploration.
- While natural exploration is the goal, some people may have limited access to mountains and trails. Vertical challenges, historic routes, or conservation areas could also qualify – reach out with ideas if you are unsure.
The Teams
The North Stars
Distance covered: 90.09 miles
The Daunting Heights
Distance covered: 81.3 miles
The Lofty Peaks
Distance covered: 178.2 miles
The Rocky Faces
Distance covered: 67.75 miles
The Misty Spires
Distance covered: 136.78 miles
Scenes from the Trail