Robotics Translations

We provide Robotics translations to help manufacturers and engineers succeed across languages

When playwright Karel Čapek first popularized the term “robot” following the debut of his play R.U.R. in 1920, few theatergoers or readers of the published volume could imagine that an entire interdisciplinary study, known as robotics, would emerge over the century to come, much less that it would require robotics translations. Most of us know what a “robot” is – an autonomous machine that can correctly perform tasks without human input, oftentimes with greater precision than a person can – but defining exactly what the field of robotics can be a bit more challenging.

Put plainly, robotics takes knowledge from various engineering disciplines, such as mechanical, electrical, software, and many others. It puts that applied knowledge to use in the service of building more sophisticated and functional automatons, which can better help at whatever task they are created to fulfill. Their end-use case can be for purposes as small as entertaining a cat with a simple robot mouse or as large as exploring the surface of other planets, much like NASA’s Mars rovers have over the last several decades. Of course, there is plenty of ground between those endpoints, as robotics has become a major component of several modern public or private industries, with more on the horizon: each time someone hears about a new development in the self-driving car field, they are hearing robotics news.

With robotics companies expanding their operations globally and their consumer-base across international borders in order to accommodate rising demand for their products, having accurate and timely robotics translations are essential in order to help teams collaborate better regardless of where they are located and to attract consumers in any country they enter. CSOFT’s network of over 10,000 in-country linguists and our skilled robotics subject matter experts can help bring your machines to the masses by providing clear and concise translations of materials across a range of scenarios, markets, and consumer bases.

We specialize in localizing materials for all kinds of robotics fields, including:

Industrial Robotics Translations

With advancing innovation and demand, the robotics-centric industrial automation industry is expected to grow exponentially worldwide in the coming years, bringing widespread demand for industrial automation translation solutions that can help deliver technologies into new markets. Closely connected with innovations in 5G technology and the Internet of Things market, the automation industry relies heavily on adopting cyber-physical systems, with an increasing focus on big data and AI. For example, collaborative robots (cobots), complex vision systems, edge computing, and concepts like digital twins all reflect just how quickly the field of industrial automation is changing. This, in turn, introduces new concepts and terminology linguists must master to tackle the unique challenges of multilingual industrial automation translation projects, making it essential to work with a qualified language service provider like CSOFT.

We specialize in industrial robotics translations, including:

  • Mechanized assembly translations
  • Automated material handling translations
  • Automated material disposal translations
  • CNC machining automation translations
  • Industrial robot automation translations
  • Programmable logic controller translations
  • Automotive automation translations
  • Plastics processing automation translations
  • Packaging automation translations

Learn more about our industrial automation translations.

Robotics Software Translations

Software translations have only become more essential to robotics – and complex – with each new advancement in the field. With the breakneck speed of innovation, robotics software developers must design their products and applications for a worldwide customer base, across a sliding scale of user familiarity. With the Internet, agile development methodology, and cloud-based solutions, robotics software interacts with more users than ever before, and generates a wide pool of data from an ever-expanding pool of sources. With over two decades of experience, CSOFT can help translate and localize a full range of robotics software to increase the quality of your multilingual user experience and help optimize your product rollout.

Learn more about our software translations.

Are AI and Machine Learning Translations Different from Robotics Translations?

While artificial intelligence (AI) is often used interchangeably with robotics in fictional media, they are actually two related yet distinct fields of study. Robotics dovetail nicely into the AI sphere when it comes to creating an independent, thinking machine, but a robot does not need to be intelligent to fulfill its tasks. AI, however, can be used to greatly improve a robot’s performance through testing, ensuring its tasks can be completed in a bug-free and precise fashion. From linguistic testing to product launch, CSOFT helps AI engineers and data scientists launch projects successfully and effectively, in over 250+ languages.

Learn more about our AI and Machine Learning translations.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Professional, high-quality localization of a service or product is critical for translation solutions in global markets. CSOFT understands the importance of accurate translation, which is why we have developed a process for quality assurance to ensure that any project that is translated meets quality standards in a timely manner that is also cost effective. Our advanced translation technology management system allows for translation projects remain in one centralized location, updated in real time, to ensure CSOFT has you covered every step of the way. Additionally, we are certified in ISO 17100:2015ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 13485:2016, ensuring our customized solutions meet global regulatory requirements and our clients’ highest expectations for quality.

Learn more about our quality assurance processes.

Speak to us today!

For more information on how CSOFT can assist you with your translation requirements, please contact us through this website, or call us at +1-617-263-8950.

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