EU Translations

CSOFT’s EU translations and communication solutions help companies entering and expanding from the European Union market compete and succeed across languages

With 24 languages established as official languages of the European Union (EU) and even more being considered additions, EU translations are essential for companies and organizations looking to do business in Europe. Linguistic accuracy, in-depth cultural understanding, subject matter expertise, and localization best practices are necessary to ensure success for any product or service entering the local market. Additionally, high-quality, consistent localization solutions for any language spoken by an EU member state require advanced AI translation technology combined with native, in-country linguists for a quick turnaround time.

Formally established in 1993 by the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union initially comprised of the document’s twelve signatories: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and The United Kingdom. Over the past thirty years, several member states have left, but many others have joined, with 27 countries currently acting as members of the Union. The EU contains over 5% of the world’s population and is the world’s third-biggest economy, representing one-sixth of the world’s global domestic product (GDP). As such, the EU acts as one of the world’s most powerful regulatory bodies, with exacting production and safety standards that must be adhered to in order to enter the market of any given member state.

Providing accurate and clear translations for EU member states isn’t just a business best practice; it is required by EU law that many supporting documents for a product must be translated into all of the languages spoken in that specific territory. With so many different cultural nuances that vary across regions, the importance of understanding local communities is critical for ensuring success in whatever product or service is entering the market. Whether you are seeking EU-to-English translations or English-to-EU translations, ensuring the cultural appropriateness and local sophistication of every project entering or expanding from the EU market is essential.

Through our in-country, subject matter expert linguists, and with over 20 years of experience, CSOFT understands the importance of distinguishing different dialects of of languages spoken within the EU depending on the project.

Professional and Accurate Gagauz Translations

Gagauz was formalized as a written language in 1957 and has undergone several changes to its alphabet over the last century. Before its standardization, it was written using characters from the Greek alphabet before switching to Cyrillic following its establishment. In 1993, the Republic of Moldova’s Parliament established that the Latin alphabet would be used, but three years later, in 1996, another act was passed that created a new alphabet based on modern Turkish, with three unique characters to distinguish the language from its nearby relatives.

As Gagauz-speaking peoples are surrounded by similar language groups and with the changes it has undergone since its formalization, it is essential for any business or service entering the Moldovian market to have highly accurate translated materials localized to the target audience’s needs. Whether you are seeking Gagauz-to-English translations or English-to-Gagauz translations, ensuring the cultural appropriateness and local sophistication of every project entering or expanding from the Gagauzian market is essential.

Through our in-country, subject matter expert linguists, and with over 20 years of experience, CSOFT understands the importance of distinguishing Gagauz from its related languages depending on the project.

EU Translations for Diverse Content

CSOFT has extensive experience localizing a variety of content from and to all languages spoken in the EU, including:

Utilizing our translation tools, we process a full variety of file types, such as:

  • MS Word
  • MS Excel
  • PowerPoint
  • PDF
  • JAVA
  • InDesign
  • FrameMaker
  • HTML
  • XML
  • DITA

German Translations

German is a widely spoken and studied language worldwide, with 38% of the EU’s population fluent in German as a first or second language, and for many businesses German translations are an essential communication asset. German is not only a national language in Germany, but also Austria and Liechtenstein. Additionally, German is one of the official languages of Switzerland, Belgium, and Luxembourg. With a large network of in-country linguists and subject matter experts, CSOFT understands the importance of cultural nuance and regional dialects present in the German language.

Learn more about our German Translations.

French Translations

As one of Europe’s most culturally vibrant regions and home to 68 million people, France holds both a historical and a contemporary importance in global trade, making French translations one of the most common needs of growing businesses today and historically. Until 1919, French was considered the lingua franca for diplomacy and still holds great importance for international relations today. It is one of the two working languages the UN Secretariat uses, one of the three official working languages of the EU, and is used as a primary or official language by many international judiciary bodies. CSOFT provides professional and technically accurate French translation solutions for all businesses and organizations looking to enter or expand from the French market.

Learn more about our French Translations.

Spanish Translations

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and the fifth most-spoken in the EU, with approximately 450 million native speakers spanning many different regions with their own unique cultures, making Spanish translations a crucial communication asset for a vast number of businesses. With many different Spanish dialects in use today, in-country translation with linguistic accuracy, in-depth cultural understanding, subject matter expertise, and localization best practices is essential to ensuring success for any product or service entering the local market.  With a large and experienced network of in-country linguists, as well as localization best practices, CSOFT ensures the highest-quality Spanish translation for the best ROI.

Learn more about our Spanish Translations.

Italian Translations

Spoken by over 85 million people worldwide, with over 67 million speakers in the EU alone, Italian is the official language of Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia) and San Marino and is one of the official languages of Vatican City and Switzerland, making Italian translations a highly nuanced area of localization. Italian dialects vary significantly from region to region, each one with differences in accents and tones. Through our in-country subject matter expert linguists, each with over 20 years of experience, CSOFT understands the importance of distinguishing different dialects of Italian depending on the project.

Learn more about our Italian Translations.

Polish Translations

Belonging to the Slavic language family, Polish is the official language of Poland, making Polish translations a vital link to this important European market. Although spoken predominately in Poland, there are also Polish-speaking communities living in eastern European countries, including Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Ukraine. After World War Two, countries around the world became home to large Polish diasporas, including the United States, Canada, the UK, and Australia. Currently, it is the sixth most-spoken language in Europe, with an estimated 38 million speakers residing in Poland and an additional 12 million spread across the diasporas. CSOFT provides quality Polish translation solutions for all businesses and organizations looking to enter or expand from the Polish market.

Learn more about our Polish Translations.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Through our innovative cloud-based technology, CSOFT offers an online translation management ecosystem for one central location to leverage both translation memory as well as terminology management in real time.

Professional, high-quality localization of a service or product is critical for translation solutions in global markets. CSOFT understands the importance of accurate translation, which is why we have developed a process for quality assurance to ensure that any project that is translated meets quality standards in a timely manner that is also cost effective. Our advanced translation technology management system allows for translation projects remain in one centralized location, updated in real time, to ensure that every step of the way, CSOFT has you covered. Additionally, we are certified in ISO 17100:2015, ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 13485:2016, and our operations leverage best practices of ISO 27001 to ensure our customized solutions meet global regulatory requirements.

Learn more about our quality assurance process.

Data Security

CSOFT has meticulously documented and fully traceable information security policies, checklists, and quality records. We understand the importance of security to our clients, which is why we take the upmost care in protecting patients’ confidentiality, as well as businesses’ data. All our data security processes leverage best practices from ISO 27001, ensuring we adhere to the latest international standards in information security.

Learn more about CSOFT’s data security procedures.

Data Security

Speak to us today!

For more information on how CSOFT can assist you with your translation requirements, please contact us through this website, or call us at +1-617-263-8950.

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